Wine & Cheese Pairing
Picture of Adrian Jules Custom Clothier

Adrian Jules Custom Clothier


Wine & Cheese Pairings

There are some pairings that seem to be made in heaven: Rogers and Astaire, Abbot and Costello, PB and jelly, and, of course, wine and cheese!

One of the most engaging aspects of wine culture is to explore the perfect food complements for various types of vino. Cheese has been partnered with wine from early times. Let’s explore some of the combinations, the tried and true, as well as some of the lesser-known couplings.


The choice for Sauvignon Blanc, the popular and affordable crisp white, is Goat Cheese. The tangy cheese needs a distinctive wine to compete with it, and Sauvignon Blanc fits the bill.

The dry and zesty white Pinot Grigio, the second most popular white in the US, goes well with the slightly sweet cheese famous for pizza: Mozzarella.

Viognier and Jarlsberg make a nice duo. The notes of citrus and stone fruits (peaches, plums, apricots) in Viogniers help to penetrate the full flavors of Jarlsberg.

Gewurztraminer and Morbier are a solid matching. The aromatic and sweet Gewurztraminer wine balances off the pungent smell (some may use a harsher term) of Morbier.

Riesling and Ricotta even sound like they go well together! The sweetness of Ricotta and the floral aromas of Rieslings are meant for one another. But try the popular cheese with not only the well-known sweet version of Rieslings, but also the dry variations as well.

Chardonnay and Gruyere will please palates that enjoy this classic wine’s fruit and nut notes paired with the cheese known for its sweet but a touch salty and nutty taste that can range widely depending on its age.


Monterey Jack and Merlot are the next partners on the dance card. The robust Monterey Jack is complemented by a lighter and fruitier wine, and a Merlot is a great option.

Beaujolais and Feta make a fine combo. Beaujolais is the region where the Gamay grapes are grown that are used in this bright red, and its flavor off-sets the saltiness of the fan favorite Feta very well.

Pinot Noir and Brie may be the most famous pairing on the list – like Lucy and Desi or Ali and Frazier! Pinot Noir has the most devout following of any red wine in the world and Brie needs a partner that complements its unique flavor without dominating it, and Pinot Noirs do just that.

Malbec – the dark red that has come onto the scene strongly in the last ten years – makes a nice counterpart to Aged Cheddar. Malbec has the needed strength to stand up to the famed cheese’s full flavor.

Rioja and Manchego are a perfect match. Spain’s classic wine, grown with its domestic grapes for two thousand years, offers a full-bodied fruity taste that is ideal with Manchego’s sweet flavor.

A Cabernet Sauvignon will complement Aged Gouda very well. The classic cheese is known for its strong flavor and the Cabernet Sauvignon is just the wine to meet the strength with its own robustness.

Here are a few more pairings to consider. Whatever your mood or event may dictate, you’ll be sure to find a winning combination. Or if you want to go out for a wine in the Rochester area, here are a few suggestions that won’t steer you wrong! Finding the perfect suit is just as complex as finding the perfect combination of wine and cheese. Contact us today so we can help!

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