A big topic today, is people looking for ways to make their own PPE ( Personal Protective Equipment. Here, Adrian Jules’s own Bill Barnecut-Kearns got a little creative while on home quarantine with a pair of scissors and a garment bag.
When your spouse is “essential” but you want to conserve PPE for front-liners…..what to do?

Hmmm … There must be a solution in this closet!

Hellooo!!!! The answer to my dilemma!!!!

Get The Scissors

Cut open the bottom!

Crest a neck opening.

Make the opening just big enough for your head.

Create arm openings on both sides and save the cuts

You will use these scraps.

Put on a beautiful Adrian Jules Garment

And now layer up with your LUXURY PPE while conserving the effective PPE for those that truly need it!