Fashion Week of Rochester Recap

Picture of Adrian Jules Custom Clothier

Adrian Jules Custom Clothier


We were thrilled to be able to participate in Fashion Week of Rochester once again this year. This event is something we look forward to all year! This year we had arguably our most successful show yet.  We know that not everyone was able to make it so here is a play by play of the fun and exciting night:

Pregame, Practice, and Getting Ready

We had everyone to our store on Monroe Avenue for a “pre-runway party” and to have a chance to practice. There was music, drinks, and food. The food was catered by Rubino’s Italian Foods of course! We had an amazing spread of sandwiches and hors d’oeuvres that were to die for!

After plenty of food and drinks, we headed outside to the Adrian Jules parking lot to practice for the big show!  A few rounds of walking the imaginary runway later we were ready to take on Fashion Week.

The Big Event

If you didn’t hear about it or see it for yourself, this year Fashion Week of Rochester was held in a pretty unique tent.  The tent was clear glass structure which made for an incredible atmosphere for the show. In the tent were the runway, many chairs and tables, and an exquisite bar and sitting area. This transported attendees far away from the side of 590.

Upon arrival to the event, we headed backstage to wait our turn to walk. Backstage was as crazy as you can imagine. Models, designers, and stylists alike were buzzing about. The energy was high. A few pep talks and a group huddle later, we were ready to strut our stuff! The show was extremely successful and we had a blast participating in it!

The most important part of all of this, of course, is that the show benefitted The Center for Youth. We pride ourselves on being able to give back to our community. We will be doing so once again this Thursday, October 26th at City Grill by guest bartending for Rochester Regional Health’s Sands-Constellation Heart Institute. We hope to see you there!

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